Staying Motivated ... Planning The Big Day

Hey lovebirds in San Diego! Planning a wedding can be a whirlwind of excitement, but it's totally normal to occasionally feel overwhelmed by all the details that go into creating your dream day. Fear not, for I've got the perfect recipe to keep your motivation soaring high as you journey through the wedding planning adventure!


First things first, remember that you're in this together! Celebrate each milestone achieved, whether it's securing the perfect venue, finding the dress of your dreams, or tasting the most delectable wedding cake. Pop open that champagne and revel in the joy of every little accomplishment!


Next up, make planning dates a thing! Take breaks from the wedding whirlwind to indulge in some romantic time together. Explore the stunning beauty of San Diego's beaches, parks, and charming neighborhoods. Allow the magic of this incredible city to inspire your wedding vision and remind you of the love that brought you to this moment.


Embrace the power of delegation! Whether it's assigning tasks to your trusty wedding party or enlisting the help of talented vendors, remember that you don't have to do it all alone. Surround yourself with a dream team of support, and you'll feel the stress melt away like ice cream on a sunny San Diego day!


Laughter is the best medicine, even for wedding planning jitters! Don't forget to inject doses of humor and playfulness into your wedding preparations. From quirky save-the-date ideas to silly dance sessions in your living room, keep the fun alive as you build the foundation for the most epic celebration of your love.


Lastly, take a step back and breathe. Sometimes, it's easy to get caught up in the minutiae and forget the bigger picture. Remember that this day is all about celebrating your love and commitment to each other. Keep the focus on what truly matters, and let that love guide you through the planning process.


So, to all the lovebirds planning their big day in sunny San Diego, keep the fun vibe alive, and the motivation will follow! Celebrate, explore, delegate, laugh, and love throughout this magical journey. Before you know it, your dream wedding will unfold in all its glory, leaving you with memories to cherish for a lifetime!




Magical weddings can be captured with beautiful photography. Cean takes the time to ensure the details are captured and your vision is a lasting memory of photographs.

Cean Orrett